spin out

英 [spɪn aʊt] 美 [spɪn aʊt]

(从现有公司中)剥离出,独立,分立; 拖长; 拉长


  1. PHRASAL VERB 拖长;拉长
    If you spin something out, you make it last longer than it normally would.
    1. My wife's solicitor was anxious to spin things out for as long as possible...
    2. The Government will try to spin out the conference into next autumn.
  2. See also: spin off


  1. Corven plans to help large companies spin out smaller, entrepreneurial firms.
  2. My wife's solicitor was anxious to spin things out for as long as possible
  3. The Government will try to spin out the conference into next autumn.
  4. But these kinds of rationalized decisions can spin out of control.
  5. From time to time such policies spin out of control.
  6. But as we have seen with Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and most recently, Cyprus, big problems in small countries can quickly spin out of control, causing major financial disruptions across the eurozone.
  7. Another option would be to spin out the units as publicly traded companies, either through initial public offerings or stock dividends to shareholders.
  8. And a new fear now stalks the markets: that the dollar's slide could spin out of control.
  9. These PHP agents really are like little bees, each with its specific job to do, collecting information, digesting and storing it in concentrated form in the honeycomb of the database, and then allowing other agents to spin out the honey as required.
  10. How do you use services without having them spin out of control like this?
  11. The economic crisis showed that markets can spin out of control "without a watchful eye," he added, signaling he would put a priority on revamping financial regulations.
  12. I expect that there will be days when I slip. Days when I begin to spin out of control or get caught up in the delusion that anything that I am doing is more important than taking care of myself.
  13. The problem with worrying is that it can spin out of control until the thing you're worried about is 10 steps removed from your immediate issue.
  14. But this crisis has reminded us that without a watchful eye, the market can spin out of control.
  15. The key now is to ensure these dangers do not spin out of control.
  16. The night, the world, the wind spin out their destiny.
  17. Be gentle with your throttle when you are driving a rear wheel drive car. Applying too much throttle too quickly will cause you to spin out when you exit corners. You slip it into the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to get in.
  18. As computer networks collapse, factories and chemical plants explode, satellites spin out of control and the financial and power grids fail.
  19. Almost every month I have to spin out money.
  20. All insurance company premiums will spin out of reach.
  21. Spin out a project indefinitely prolongation costs
  22. The Saudi intervention creates a dilemma for the US, which has been urging Arab States to negotiate with protesters but does not want the region to spin out of control.
  23. Cut back on expenditure to spin out the money till the next pay day.
  24. Try this: When you notice you're beginning to spin out, instead of thinking about your suffering, feel it.
  25. It was perhaps inevitable that protectionist tendencies and raw nationalistic instincts would resurface with the deepest economic crisis in Europe since the 1930s. The key now is to ensure these dangers do not spin out of control.
  26. Economize in order to make one's money spin out until next payday.
  27. There was very little to discuss but the chairman still managed to spin out the meeting for two hours.
  28. He'll spin out this lecture until lunchtime.
  29. Most of these storms spin out over the open sea.
  30. Plus oil has a nasty tendency to spin out of the bearing at speed leaving your bearings without any lubricant, which leads to overheating bearings and melting wheels.



  1. prolong or extend
    1. spin out a visit

    Synonym:    spin